Thursday, October 1, 2009


I spent most of yesterday night in an empty movie theatre with my best friend and my old friend. Between yelling random things at the tops of our lungs, throwing popcorn at each other and laughing at how we didn't even pay attention to the movie, I realized something. I love this place.
I love this time of the year, and I love feeling new.

But, I hate the cold.
Last night I froze my butt off walking all the way across downtown to see someone, only to accidentally see someone else in the process of it all. Its was awkward, it was hard. And then it got even more hard. I cant stand when he says that.
Yes, I'm aware I'm speaking in fragments.

There were too many drinks bought for me. I managed to only spend 6$ and I dont even understand that. The people I was with--past the point of being gone. So random.
Once home I got a phone call, 3:22am, and it made me feel less lonely hearing the voice on the other end.

And then there were the 'What the fuck?' moments. Amazing.

I'm off to the bar for a concert again with my best friend. Maybe she can sort out my dilemma? Because as far as I'm concerned, males are fickle.
No need to worry about it.

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