Saturday, October 10, 2009


The world that has made us can no longer contain us.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Im too self-destructive.
Pushed everyone away again.

Hes moving out, talking trash, right back to his old self. Love it.

Monday, October 5, 2009


I need a new roommate. Hes quitting his job, moving out, going home. And honestly I cant afford the $855 a month on my own.

I would hate to lose this place because its so beautiful, and so close to the school and bus routes through all of Kitchener, Waterloo and Cambridge. Oh well. I still have a few months before I need to figure it out. Plus hes going to leave me with everything except his computer, desk and tv. So this place is gold.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

C'est la vie.

Its so nice to just meet people right now.
I have met so many people in the last few weeks, in both Kitchener and Niagara, and I can honestly see some really good friendships coming of a few of the acquaintances.

I have also decided that its nice to not have to make the effort all of the time.
I am so at piece with myself with everything thats happening, and love that I can balance school and friends and my home life.

I havent really talked to anyone about whats happened in the last week, nor do I need to as its sorted itself out on its own. Thanks to some 'advice' Ive realized that not everyone is genuine; and I am fine with that.
I dont really have an interest in anyone at the moment, no one in particular, its nice though because I know I dont need to. I have a few people that I love surrounding myself with because they make me happier and I have a lot more fun with them over others... but I had that shoved in my face yesterday too because I should socialize differently.
Oh well,
C'est la vie. I'm content with my decisions.

These readings are rediculous, this Fundamentals of Respiratory Therapy textbook on my lap weighs more than I even do I think. I have been working ahead in most of my classes so I can stay on top of everything. Less stress. Plus I actually love it. The study groups are so helpful and everyone in my program is always there to help.

Enough rambling though, Im going to read another chapter and get ready for tonight.
This week has been amazing.

Friday, October 2, 2009

So what?

Maybe I'm the one playing the games this time.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I spent most of yesterday night in an empty movie theatre with my best friend and my old friend. Between yelling random things at the tops of our lungs, throwing popcorn at each other and laughing at how we didn't even pay attention to the movie, I realized something. I love this place.
I love this time of the year, and I love feeling new.

But, I hate the cold.
Last night I froze my butt off walking all the way across downtown to see someone, only to accidentally see someone else in the process of it all. Its was awkward, it was hard. And then it got even more hard. I cant stand when he says that.
Yes, I'm aware I'm speaking in fragments.

There were too many drinks bought for me. I managed to only spend 6$ and I dont even understand that. The people I was with--past the point of being gone. So random.
Once home I got a phone call, 3:22am, and it made me feel less lonely hearing the voice on the other end.

And then there were the 'What the fuck?' moments. Amazing.

I'm off to the bar for a concert again with my best friend. Maybe she can sort out my dilemma? Because as far as I'm concerned, males are fickle.
No need to worry about it.